Sky 3D promises to be amazing in 2012, so get your HDMI 1.4 cables ready now

If you have a home entertainment system that is set up for 3D, and you have also signed up to a Sky package which includes the Sky 3D channel, then 2012 is likely to be a very exciting year in your household.

The head of Sky 3D, John Cassy, has recently revealed that the channel has very ambitious plans for 2012. Speaking to 3D Focus, he said:

“We’ve learnt so much over the past 12 months. We’ve raised the bar and the technology is catching up with the scale of our ambition. Some of the shows we have planned for 2012 will blow viewers away. And with strong 3D TV sales forecast in 2012 more people will get a chance to view than ever before.”

If you want to enjoy Sky 3D and see what shows the channel has planned for this year, including the David Attenborough-hosted Galapagos 3D, the ten part reality show Safari Park 3D and numerous gigs, concerts and sports events, you will need to have the full 3D home entertainment package up and running. As well as a 3D-enabled TV, appropriate Sky box and a decent pair of 3D glasses, you will also need an HDMI cable (version 1.4) or two.

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